Jan 29, 2019 | Home & Finance, Natural Living, Real Food
Do you know the things you need to do NOW to prepare for next year’s garden? This past year we had our first full-blown garden. And as an all-in kind of family, we planted a lot! We had 2 long rows of green beans, two large sections of zucchini, broccoli, cucumbers,...
Nov 13, 2018 | Frugal Living, Home & Finance
*This post contains affiliate links. If you click on these links, I may receive a commission at no cost to you. Full disclosure here. Do you ever wonder if you can decrease your grocery budget, and fast? When we first got married our grocery budget was sky high! I was...
Nov 6, 2018 | Home & Finance
Do you ever need a stay at home date night idea? Maybe you're trying to save money, or don't have childcare or just want an evening in! My husband and I often have different ideas of what would be fun and so finding something to do that he loves and I can also enjoy...
Oct 9, 2018 | Frugal Living, Home & Finance, Work from Home
Do you ever have trouble making your budget stick? I have a not-so-secret confession. When I was in my college years I was a major shopaholic. And I mean MAJOR. I had some great enabler friends and together we’d raid the stores when stress for finals became...
Sep 18, 2018 | Home & Finance
I’d probably seen about ten episodes here and there of Fixer Upper. I loved Joanna’s style and Chip’s humor, but never, ever would I be able to do anything like that. Design was just not my thing. And visualizing what could be made beautiful out of a dump seemed...