Mental Health
You can find healing in your mental health. I struggled for years with anxiety without any hope of true recovery. But there is so much research and so many helpful resources out there. I’m here to break these down for you so that you can understand how to overcome mental health struggles, made simple.
Choose a post below to get started!
How to Cope with Anxiety During Pregnancy
I’ve struggled with anxiety for most of my life. So when I became pregnant and hormones started to rage through me, so did anxiety. Anxiety became one of the biggest struggles during the first few weeks of my pregnancy and continued through it all. I had some...
How to Manage Stress in a Healthy Way with These Simple Ideas
Ever since I was little I’ve struggled with managing my stress. I was that kid with headaches and belly aches and that teen with anxious tendencies and chronic symptoms related to stress. The truth is, I never learned how to manage my stress in a healthy way. And as...
How to Change Your Life to Decrease Your Anxiety Naturally
A few years ago, every waking moment was filled with anxiety. My body began to do strange things like becoming dizzy; my legs would feel weak, and I couldn’t make it through the day without...
5 Quick and Easy Ways to Reduce Anxiety Naturally
Anxiety isn’t fun and often times leaves us feeling stuck. So what are some quick and easy ways to reduce anxiety naturally? I’ve struggled with anxiety for many years. Anxiety isn’t something that we can completely push away in a couple of minutes, but it takes a...
5 Character Traits To Be Successful Working From Home
As great as it sounds, working from home is hard. It’s easy to idealize making money in your PJ’s or not having to answer to anybody, but if you want to be able to make money working from home, there are important character traits you will need to have. Anyone can...
Chronic Stress vs. Toxic Stress: How to Cope with Unhealthy Stress
Stress is a perfectly normal response to many of the things we experience every day. We need stress to survive. But how do we cope with unhealthy stress when it becomes overwhelming? There are two types of stress that are dangerous, not only to your mental health, but...
5 Ways to Decrease Your Grocery Budget THIS Month
Do you ever wonder if you can decrease your grocery budget, and fast? When we first got married our grocery budget was sky high! I was used to having a ton of groceries on hand and whipping up whatever I felt like making when it was...
The Free Tool That Will Make Your Budget Stick
Do you ever have trouble making your budget stick? I have a not-so-secret confession. When I was in my college years I was a major shopaholic. And I mean MAJOR. I had some great enabler friends and together we’d raid the stores when stress for finals became...
How to Claim Confidence to Boldly Chase Your Dream
Do you have a dream that feels almost impossible? For the majority of my life I hid my dreams. I didn’t think someone like me would ever be able to do the things my heart so desperately wanted. For me, that dream was writing. And although I never stopped writing, I...
How to Get Organized and Increase Your Motivation
In order to increase your motivation it is essential to get organized. There’s nothing like a fresh start - a clean slate, right? I always loved the start of a new school year or semester because your planner was clean and ready, your journals new and empty and every...